Eventos ejecutivos
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Eventos Corporativos Especializados / Conferencia magistral.
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Ayudamos a alinear su cultura con la misión y visión de su empresa.
Contáctenos en support@tobelegacy.com.

Conecta con Andy

Rommy Rhoades
Fundador y Director Financiero de To Be Legacy.
"A veces no sabemos que estamos viviendo con dolor hasta que alguien viene y te toca con su amor sanador"
- Rommy Rhoades
About Karalee
I love people! I have been blessed with many opportunities to work with children, teens, young single adults and adults. I worked in the education field for 17 years. The last six of those years were in special education working with students with special needs and learning disabilities. I had the opportunity to interact with the parents of the students and collaborate with others on my team to better serve the needs and cater to the different learning styles of each individual.
My purpose is to shine light as I walk alongside others on their journeys to help them discover the infinite value and capacity they hold and assist them in embodying the essence of their own unique identity and purpose. I love witnessing lives and confidence blossom as the reality of who they really are takes hold! I love watching people create the life they truly desire and leave their unique fingerprint, the one only they can leave, on the world.