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Be who you were born to be, leave your Legacy!

Uncover your authentic identity, and live a life

that lights you up!

Our process is for you if...

You're going through a transition in life


You have tried other programs and nothing has worked


You feel obligated to live up to others' expectations


You’re ready to take action and solve the root problem and discover real solutions



You know you’re capable of so much more


You feel you have to sacrifice your personal dreams to keep everyone else happy


You want more fun and passion in your life


Your simply want more JOY

Simple, step-by-step


Two months of daily guidance




Weekly coaching


Life-changing results

Increase your levels of joy and happiness

"I don't remember the last time I was this happy" -Ashley Romney

Find the change you have been looking for

"This is the very first time in ALL of the programs that I've ever been involved with where I have truly seen and felt the change at a level that is sustainable!"  -Dr. Shane Harada

Increase your focus and productivity at work

"My business has increased by 30% during the pandemic and I haven't done anything different than doing this course" -Trevor Heninger

Improve your marriage/relationships

"This program has been VERY instrumental in helping us have a more fulfilled, successful, and happy marriage.  In 24 years, our connection is probably the strongest it's ever been!"   -Janie Smalls

Connect deeply with others

"I took this course because I wanted to connect more with my adult children but what I quickly realized is that I needed to first connect with myself in order to connect deeper with others and this program helped me do that." -Anne M

Create more balance in your life

"This program has helped me immensely to pull my head out of a negative space and focus on positivity and on my future and the goals I am working towards."  -Laura Lovely


Improve health and nutrition

"I soon noticed that I gained healthier habits simply by increasing my awareness through the genius of the program" -Julissa Hartley

Start living life to the fullest

"I've never felt more alive than I do now and I feel more in control to create the life I actually want!" -Rebecca Bicandi

Mental Health - Routine - Habits

"I am loving this process and the discipline that comes with the daily routine.  It has definitely become a priority in my day and has already had a positive impact on my brain." -Beverly Rohman 

Powerful yet simple tools that transform

"I am totally in awe of how you have taken so many powerful teachings and tools and created this masterpiece!" 

-Lois W

 Whatever you’re struggling with, know that just by being here, you are starting to build a brighter future for yourself.

Get ready to take the

next step in your evolution

By simply making a decision today,

you can begin to transform everything

Transform how much happiness you thought you could have...
Transform how much success you feel worthy of...
Transform your relationship to yourself and in return improve your relationship to everything else...
Improve your physical health and energy...
Empower you to overcome challenges more easily...


This is not just personal development, this is a way of life.

                 -Smriti Popenoe             


Smriti Popenoe

EVP, Co-CIO, Dynex Capital

Richmond, VA

Our Life-Changing

Online Program

Find the peace and flow you've been longing for

Results from former students


"To Be Legacy's executive-level coaching provides on-going support for my company through tools to navigate the various challenges inherent in the growth process. It has produced long-lasting benefits for my company. I highly recommend you enroll in To Be Legacy’s program."


Charles Popenoe, CEO, Industrial Indicators, Frederick, MD

Charles P.
CEO, Industrial Indicators
 Frederick, MD


To Be Legacy

"Before doing the 8-Weeks To Be program, I felt heavy,  trapped and I didn’t know how to get the life I wanted and I had given up hope of achieving it. Now I have a whole new awareness of myself and the things in my life that got me to that unhappy place. The program helped me discover and utilize the power I already had inside me so I could not only overcome those problems, but achieve more than I even thought possible."

This program will not open doors for you, but it will give you the key to those doors, and the courage to open them.  I am a better person for taking this course, and I will be forever grateful for the lessons I learned and the friends I met along the way. Take the key… open the doors.


 Ryan Lovely

 Regional Operations Director

Rebecca Bicandi

Meridian, ID

Some Organizations we've worked with

Our results have been featured in

Meet Our Team


Jonathan Rhoades



Christina Jenkins

Executive Coach


Eduardo Muñoz 
VP Hispanic Market / Business Coach

Rommy Rhoades


Jacob Hartley


Sherry Clarke



Stanford Graham

Korby Nield

Our Story


From the time I was a child it was obvious that I had a unique perspective on life. This perspective allowed me to align with circumstances, and live more from happiness and fulfillment. I would often find myself wanting to share the way I saw the world with others who were suffering; just to find myself stumped in not having the words to explain my perspective fully. This set me on a journey to search for a universal language that could cross boundaries, cultures, race and creed.

In 2019, while flying at 30,000 feet and contemplating my 20 year career in this work, I was deeply inspired on how to bring this knowledge to the world in a sustainable way.  


                To Be Legacy was born. 


We created a leverageable program that contains the power to recognize our own infinite essence, which transforms individual identity & community culture. We invite everyone who is ready to recognize their own brilliance to show up for themselves and others, by joining us in the next wave of human consciousness.


                       – Jonathan Rhoades

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